Morning coffee out back of the house on the patio.
That would be my answer if $1 million was riding on the correct answer
if the question is "What is your spouse's favorite beverage?"
This is our million dollar view
(no that's not the value of our house but we love the lookout):
These are part of my favorite outfit for the activity:
ancient (I've had them 15 years?) jammie pants with cute frolicking snowmen
and brand new slippers that were a Christmas gift from my ILs.
The slippers are very Trail of Sequins, don't you think?
I like my coffee with a good dose of heavy cream
and in my favorite cup.
It was also a Christmas present, given to me two years ago
and from my best friend at work.
I could hardly get a clear picture with the steaming coffee
fogging up the camera lens. But there is a message inside the mug:
One day a squirrel went out looking for acorns and found a friend.
(There's a cute little mouse friend sitting on the handle.)
I think I was looking for acorns when I started my blog.
Imagine my delight when I found you, my bloggy friends.
Whether you visit regularly or frequently or occasionally,
and leave your thoughts often or sometimes or not at all,
I appreciate you all very much.
Thank you for spending your coffee break or
a wee moment here at my trail.
Here's to unexpected delights in 2013.
It was a rather ho-hum day when I happened to notice and
captured this glorious sunset from our backyard.
And I'm raising my favorite drink to you, my friends!
(Thanks to WMM, I learned the workaround for the latest Blogger glitch to finish this post.) |