Four weeks ago, I whined about missing out bidding on the Spencer Mary Janes. Easily distracted, with all the promos ongoing and enablers like shoppingonthefly's
review, I decided some grown-up Dorothy shoes were meant to be mine.
The red Mona Glitter Pumps became a need, with added justification that red is my favorite color and the mission of my blog. Even though at 30% off, I'd still be paying $160 plus tax for glitter on cotton twill, man-made lining and sole.
But! When I went scouring for them online, I found they were already sold out (whaaa!).
Harper Crackle-Metallic Platform Heels |
Enter the aftermarket. Spotted a pair of the Harper Crackle-Metallic Platform Heels. In my size. Brand new. And a very decent bid price. I remembered them from nearing the end of their retail life. Didn't give them much thought since, never shopping at the B&M, the only thing I could go on was this pic on the JC website. Not too exciting. Until ... I heard about Glamour's
sneak peak at J.Crew Fall 2009 (see 6th pic down). If they really looked like that IRL and not ho hum like the pic to the left, they just might satisfy my latest shoe lust. So I waited. Stalked. And won! Woohoo!!
I got them today. And before I go on, I must tell you although I've wanted to learn to become a good photographer (at one point even signing up for photography lessons but never took them), I am a point-and-shoot-with-an-instamatic-camera photographer. And from my advertising agency days, know an enormous amount of time and care go into a professional photo shoot. You could spend hours setting up the shot, playing with angles and lighting and who knows what all the real photographers must do. Anyway, on with my tale ... I took the shoes out of the box, tried them on and immediately thought I need to let you all see what beauties they are. And here's the shot:

You are going to laugh when you find out how I set it up. The backdrop is a dust cover for a J.Crew handbag. It's propped up against our coffee maker on the kitchen counter. I put my digital cam on the Text setting with soft flash and this is the third shot I took. Think the whole shoot of 4 photos took about 5 minutes. What do you think, not too bad?